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Treatment of mandibular disorders

This dental field focuses on the prevention and treatment of disorders of the stomatognathic system, the set of tissues and organs located in the oral and facial cranium that allows us to perform activities such as taking in food, breathing and speaking. Problems in this system most often involve the temporomandibular joint, which allows us to move the jaw and connects it to the rest of the skull. If you hear a crackling sound when you open your mouth with it, feel a “jumping” of the mandible or a restriction of its mobility, it’s high time to visit the specialists in the field described here!


Start your day with a smile

The growing number of patients with mandibular disorders is also increasing interest in dedicated dental services.

Mandibular disorders are serious health problems that can lead to permanent damage to health and reduced quality of life. They are often ignored or downplayed by patients, who often don’t realize that some of the symptoms, such as headaches, teeth grinding or chronic discomfort throughout the head, may be due to problems with the temporomandibular joint. Such disorders cause incredible discomfort.

The cause of such ailments can be, among other things, increased emotional tension (so-called psychosocial stress), muscular stress or short-circuit disorders. The result of chronic oral stress is most often bruxism, or clenching and grinding of teeth. Some of the symptoms, may seem insignificant, but may signal serious problems. If you suspect any disorders in your jaw and jaw area, suffer from frequent headaches, or wake up with clenched teeth and it hurts to open them – we can help. We encourage regular dental checkups, which can help detect and treat problems at an early stage. The goal of our Center is to provide the highest quality dental care, focused on improving the quality of life of our patients.

Proper functioning of the stomatognathic system is vital to our overall health and well-being. At our dental clinic, we realize the importance of a holistic approach to the treatment of mandibular disorders. That’s why we use state-of-the-art diagnostic and therapeutic techniques to effectively treat these problems – we offer dental treatment at the highest level.

Modern dentistry allows us to effectively make our patients aware of how to deal with their teeth in order to maintain proper habits. In our clinic, we treat with head, professionally and, above all, effectively.

Alarm signals of problems with the stomatognathic system

  • Acoustic sensations – crackling, rustling, clicking of the mandible when opening the mouth or moving it when eating and speaking;
  • Lack of fluidity of mandibular movements – jumping and blocking of the mandible, for example, when opening the mouth;
  • Asymmetry in side-to-side movements of the mandible, visible, among other things, as a marked deterioration in the ability to move the mandible in one direction relative to the other;
  • Possession of harmful habits – compulsive gum chewing, nail biting, teeth grinding, often causing excessive abrasion of teeth;
  • Headaches of unexplained cause, especially those felt in the temporomandibular joint area or appearing/exacerbated with increased mouth movement.

Treatment of bruxism with botulinum toxin

Bruxism, or compulsive clenching and grinding of teeth, is one of the most common temporomandibular joint problems. The disorder can impede not only daily functioning, but also mundane activities such as food intake and breathing. Untreated bruxism can also lead to chronic headaches.

At the Center for Modern Dentistry, we take a comprehensive approach to such a problem in order to relieve our patients as quickly as possible. Currently, we offer one of the most effective methods, the treatment of bruxism with Botox. It involves injecting the masseter muscles to reduce their activity. Botulinum toxin in the treatment of bruxism allows us to achieve spectacular results.

We also offer treatment of bruxism with the use of relaxation splints – acrylic, long-time and silicone. The application of the chosen method of treatment is supported by full diagnostics and research.

The Center of Modern Dentistry is an individual approach and modern methods that bring satisfactory results!

Treatment of mandibular disorders

Functional examination of the temporomandibular joints and muscles

150 zł

Relaxation/occlusion elastic splint (silicone)

Relaxation/occlusion acrylic splint (long term)

500 zł

Treatment of bruxism with botulinum toxin

1200-1500 zł

Botulinum toxin treatment of tension/migraine headaches

1200-1600 zł

Botulinum toxin treatment of tension pain in the neck, neck, shoulder rim

1900-2400 zł

Let us take care of
your smile

Łódź, Zgierska 31/33