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Pediatric dentistry

Pediatric dentistry, or pedodontics, is a branch of dentistry dedicated to caring for the oral health of the youngest patients. It is well known that “what Johnny doesn’t learn, John won’t know”, so responsible parents regularly visit dentists with their children to form proper health habits from an early age. Specialists involved in working with children are characterized by a lot of patience, creativity and the ability to communicate clearly with both toddlers and their parents, so that young patients effectively acquire knowledge about their teeth and how to take care of them, and parents know exactly how to help their children maintain oral hygiene.

Take care of your child's healthy teeth

The main emphasis in pedodontics is on prevention and problems that may arise in a child’s mouth – especially tooth decay. At our Center for Modern Dentistry, we perform, among other things, varnishing, varnishing and spoon fluoridation. These are preventive procedures of pediatric dentistry, which help with such changes in the oral cavity, such as fissures, which are anatomically occurring cavities.

Sometimes, however, prevention alone is not enough. When lesions appear in a child’s mouth, our dentists come to the rescue with the right treatment. We take into account all disturbing changes – from white spots on teeth to decaying cavities.

We know that young children are reluctant to have their teeth treated and are afraid of dental instruments. That is why a dental adaptation visit is so important, which should be carried out just before the first visit proper. Such adaptation can take place already in children aged 2-3 years. Thanks to it, the toddler will certainly become accustomed to the doctor, the office and the instruments, and during subsequent visits he will already be calm. We believe that this approach is conducive to building a positive attitude to oral health for the future.

When is it a good idea to go with a child to his first visit to the dentist?

The child should go to the dentist for the first time after the appearance of the first tooth, so between the sixth and twelfth month of the baby’s life. At such a visit, young parents get specific advice from the doctor on how to take care of their child’s oral cavity. It is absolutely necessary to appear with the child in the chair at the latest after the eruption of all its millipedes! It is worth taking care of regular check-ups, and enroll a several-year-old for an adaptation visit, during which the doctor will show him the instruments used in the office in such a way that if one day he has to use them to treat the child’s teeth, the little patient will not be afraid of them.

Individual approach to each young patient

Every child is different and has different needs – some require more attention, others need extra support. The approach of our pediatric dentist Łódź is always tailored to the individual needs of the child. We make every effort to make our young patients feel comfortable during their visits to the office. We work with empathy, care and patience, and we make sure that children feel listened to and understood.

Oral hygiene education

We believe that education is the key to maintaining healthy teeth. That’s why we not only provide dental treatment, but also teach children and their parents how to properly care for their teeth. We show them how to brush their teeth properly, how to floss and which oral hygiene products are most appropriate for their age and dental health.

Pediatric dentistry

Dental examination, consultation

150 PLN

White or colored light-cured filling

250 - 350 PLN

Therapeutic dressing

150 PLN

Fluoridization (2 arches)

150 PLN

Sealing (1 tooth)

100 PLN

Extended sealing (1 tooth)

200 PLN

Scaling (1 arch)

150 PLN

Nasal/conductive anesthesia

40 PLN

Extraction of a deciduous tooth

250 PLN

Let us take care of
your smile

Łódź, Zgierska 31/33