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Bonding – cosmetic dentistry

Who among us would not like to be able to boast a snow-white smile and symmetrical, shapely teeth? Cosmetic dentistry makes sure that the patient’s dentition comes as close as possible to his or her dreamed ideal and helps to maintain the desired treatment effect for a long time. This thriving dental field will help get rid of stains and deposits, lighten the color of the tooth and change its shape and alignment, allowing, for example, to get rid of diastemas – gaps between adjacent teeth.

Treatments in the field of aesthetic dentistry

There are a variety of procedures that, depending on the patient’s needs, help them achieve the smile of their dreams:

  • Removal of stains, deposits and plaque is achieved with scaling, sandblasting and polishing of teeth;
  • Brightening of tooth color is possible through various types of whitening, from treatments with special overlays to procedures with zasotosos of UV lamps;
  • Teeth whose shape does not suit the patient can be repaired with new aesthetic fillings and veneers.

Bonding of upper teeth

Bonding of upper incisors

Bonding of upper incisors

Bonding of upper incisors

Bonding - a quick smile makeover

Chipped, cracked or uneven teeth are a problem faced by people of all ages. A solution that can quickly restore the healthy appearance of teeth is dental bonding in Łódź.

Tooth bonding is an innovative technique that involves micro-invasive aesthetic restoration of teeth. It can be used by those who want to avoid interfering with the tooth enamel. Reconstruction in bonding is done with composite resins, which not only restore the surface of the teeth, but also improve their color. During the procedure, there is no need to drill into the teeth or create abutments. It is therefore a very good alternative to strictly invasive procedures. Tooth bonding in Łódź minimizes interference with the natural structure of the bone, so the patient gets a greater guarantee of a quick metamorphosis of the smile.

Properly selected composite material levels all blemishes and discoloration, as well as repairs chipping and fills cracks. The effects produced by bonding dentistry are visible after the first treatment.

Aesthetic dentistry

Bonding - composite veneer 1 tooth

700-900 PLN

Flow Injection 1 tooth

900 PLN

Closing a diastema two teeth

from 800 PLN

Removal of white spots by dentin infiltration - DMG ICON (*price for one tooth)

200 PLN *

Teeth whitening BEYOND! - single-visit

1400 PLN

Overlay whitening

1200 PLN

Combined whitening

2000 PLN

Let us take care of
your smile

Łódź, Zgierska 31/33